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Buttefly Quilt
Giant Butterfly Quilt

Jane illustrates the range of possibility in this new quilt...

Jane continues to surprise and delight with another masterstoke from her design studio. Generating maximum impact from basic piecing, she fully exploits the dynamic potential of her own fabric designs and lets large areas of a single fabric generate fields of graphic color and movement.

This is perhaps the first of Jane's quilts to exploit the intensity inherent in her signature Dots fabric.  Unlike uniform dot patterns, this fabric's dots gradate from loosely spaced on one selvage end to nearly solid color in the center and back again to the other selvage. When used across the entire width of fabric, it creates a radiating effect. And the pink on black is too delicious for words.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this quilt is the contrast between the mysteriousness of the giant butterfly icon and the sweetness of the colorful butterfly silhouettes upon which is stands, all set off by the magical wild garden of plants and butterflies of the Mille Fleur fabric on the border. There is much to marvel at in this work and more than a few ways to see it.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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